....this is what you mean to me:
Dancing is more than a talent. It’s a form of expression and my emotional outlet. This quality of mine has been there for me through the most miserable of times; always able to uplift me with encouragement, dance has become one of my truest friends. Dance is also my motivational coach as it maintains my drive to succeed in school and teaches me the fundamentals of practicing to become perfect. Though these personifications may seem overly exaggerated, dance has played a significant role in shaping me as the person I am today.
Each time I dance, whether it’s by myself or in front of others, I put my all in to the performance. I am only satisfied that the audience is satisfied. By dancing, I can make others happy; I can allow others to see how beautiful the art is and I can inspire others to go in search of their love and passion.
This was actually the first two paragraphs
for a personal statement submitted to UC [University of California]
schools as a part of my application.
The prompt asked me to describe a specific talent and reason
why it makes me proud. While writing this I felt a honest connection
between dance and my life. I never realized how important
it was to me, it truly makes my day and it's something I can
really put myself in to and become a part of to create
beautiful art others can appreciate.
This is just something more on the personal side I wanted to
share with my readers.
Hope you can reflect and ask yourselves the same thing.
What is a personal quality, trait, characteristic, talent, accomplishment that
you are proud of? Realize how important those things are to you
and grasp them. This thanksgiving, be thankful for the simple things
like these talents and qualities. Thankful that you may reproduce
this in to something highly meaningful in your life for the present
or the future.
Ps: sorry for the gushy jibber jabber for those that don't like,
I'll be back to talking about hoes, $$, music, fashion, scandals soon!
-xoxo, Christina